Terrestrial Condition Assessment (TCA) Wildfire Potential Moderate Fire Regim...
The percent area of a landscape analysis unit where the Wildland Fire Hazard 2020 class is High and the LANDFIRE Fire Regime is Moderate. -
Terrestrial Condition Assessment (TCA) Uncharacteristic Fire Severity Moderat...
The LANDFIRE Percent Mixed-Severity Fire (PMS) raster dataset (LF US_120_PMS) was combined with the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) data (1984-2017) to identify areas... -
USFS Cartographic 2016 Tree Canopy Cover Puerto Rico Virgin Islands (Map Serv...
The USDA Forest Service (USFS) builds multiple versions of percent tree canopy cover data, in order to serve needs of multiple user communities. These datasets encompass CONUS,... -
USFS Cartographic 2016 Tree Canopy Cover Coastal AK (Map Service)
The National Land Cover Database 2016 (NLCD2016) percent tree canopy cover (TCC 2016) layer was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land... -
USFS Cartographic 2016 Tree Canopy Cover Hawaii (Map Service)
The USDA Forest Service (USFS) builds multiple versions of percent tree canopy cover data, in order to serve needs of multiple user communities. These datasets encompass CONUS,... -
USFS Cartographic 2016 Tree Canopy Cover CONUS (Map Service)
The National Land Cover Database 2016 (NLCD2016) percent tree canopy cover (TCC 2016) layer was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land... -
Terrestrial Condition Assessment (TCA) Alaska Climate Exposure Temperature Fa...
The difference in Fall temperature (F) between the reference time period of 1980-2014 and the current time period 2015-2019. Fall months include September, October, and... -
Surface Ownership Parcels, detailed (Feature Layer)
An area depicting ownership parcels of the surface estate. Each surface ownership parcel is tied to a particular legal transaction. The same individual or organization may... -
Surface Drinking Water Importance - Forests on the Edge (Feature Layer)
Note: This is a large dataset. To download, go to ArcGIS Open Data Set and click the download button, and under additional resources select the shapefile or geodatabase option.... -
Survey Boundaries maintained by the US Forest Service (Feature Layer)
The purpose of this featureclass is to allow national forest system boundary managers to query and report on the status of these boundaries for planning boundary management and... -
Silviculture Timber Stand Improvement Needs (Feature Layer)
The SilvTSI (Silviculture Timber Stand Improvement) feature class represents activities associated with the following performance measure: Forest Vegetation Improved (Release,... -
Silviculture Reforestation Needs (Feature Layer)
The Silviculture Reforestation feature class represents activities associated with the following performance measure: Forest Vegetation Establishment (Planting, Seeding, Site... -
Roadless Areas: Idaho Roadless Rule (Feature Layer)
This feature class describes the boundaries of all Roadless Areas managed by the US Forest Service in Idaho. These roadless areas were designated administrative rulemaking to... -
Right of Way (Feature Layer)
An area depicting a privilege to pass over the land of another in some particular path; usually an easement over the land of another; a strip of land used in this way for... -
USFS Analytical 2011 Tree Canopy Cover Coastal AK (Image Service)
The USDA Forest Service (USFS) builds multiple versions of percent tree canopy cover data, in order to serve needs of multiple user communities. These datasets encompass CONUS,... -
US Forest Atlas FIA Modeled Abundance, Forest-type Groups, Harvest and Carbon...
FIA Modeled Abundance:�This dataset portrays the live tree mean basal area (square feet per acre) of the species across the contiguous United States. The underlying data... -
Raw data for urban trees in California communities
This study used data from field plots in urban areas to describe forest structure (e.g., tree numbers, density, basal area, species composition) for six land use categories in... -
Original Proclaimed National Forests and National Grasslands (Feature Layer)
This layer includes both Proclaimed Forest and National Grassland boundary areas. A Proclaimed Forest boundary is the boundary encompassing National Forest System land within a... -
National Wild and Scenic River Segments (Feature Layer)
This polyline feature class depicts the classification of each wild and scenic river segment designated by Congress and the Secretary of the Interior for the United States and... -
National USFS Fire Perimeter (Feature Layer)
The FirePerimeter polygon layer represents daily and final mapped wildland fire perimeters. Incidents of 10 acres or greater in size are expected. Incidents smaller than 10...