FIA Landcover County Estimates - 2017 (Feature Layer)
This feature class represents forest area estimates (and percent sampling error) by county for the year 2017. The data was generated from the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)... -
Brush Disposal Funded Activities (Feature Layer)
Depicts the area of activities funded through BDBD and PPPP budget line item and reported through the FACTS database. The objective of the BD Program is to dispose of unwanted... -
Updating Standardized State Heating and Cooling Utility Allowance Values
While most Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligibility parameters are set at the federal level, states may establish their own standard utility allowances... -
Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the weste...
This data publication contains the results of field work in masticated materials of mixed-conifer forests in 14 study locations. Mixed-conifer masticated materials were... -
Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the weste...
This data publication contains the results of chemical and mineral analyses on masticated particles from mixed-conifer forests in 15 study locations. These data were collected... -
Beaver monitoring data from the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
The primary raw data are aerial counts of beaver (Castor canadensis) colonies on streams across the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CNNF). These aerial counts were... -
Aerial Fire Retardant Avoidance Areas: Terrestrial (Feature Layer)
This layer contains features of aerial fire retardant avoidance areas delivered as part of the 2011 Nationwide Aerial Application of Fire Retardant on National Forest System... -
Activity Project Areas Sale Area Improvement (SAI) Plan (Feature Layer)
Activity Project Area Sale Area Improvement (SAI) Plan represents an area (polygon) within which one or more Sale Area Improvement (SAI) related activities are aggregated or... -
Absolute change in winter temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of... -
Absolute change in winter precipitation (Alaska) (Image Service)
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of... -
Absolute change in summer temperature (Alaska) (Image Service)
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of... -
Absolute change in summer precipitation (Alaska) (Image Service)
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the needs of... -
Local School Wellness Policy Outreach Toolkit
Engage school staff and parents in school wellness using these ready-to-go communication tools. Sharing news about your Local School Wellness Policy is easy with these flyers,... -
Listing of Dairy License Recipients Under Regulation 1
Listing of Dairy License Recipients Under Regulation 1 (as of March 2016) -
Trends in USDA SNAP Participation Rates FY 2016-19
This report is the latest in a series on SNAP participation rates, which estimate the proportion of people eligible for benefits under federal income and asset rules to those... -
Survey of USDA's SNAP E&T Program Case Management
With the passage of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (known as the 2018 Farm Bill), states are now required to provide case management to all Supplemental Nutrition... -
Special Milk Program
Providing Nutritious Milk to Children The Special Milk Program (SMP) provides milk to children in schools and childcare institutions who do not participate in other federal meal... -
Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN)
The SCAN data retrieval tools provides an interactive process to identify and retrieve data from individual SCAN sites. The user does not need to know the ID for the site but... -
School Breakfast Program
The School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides reimbursement to states to operate nonprofit breakfast programs in schools and residential childcare institutions. The Food and... -
SNOwpack TELemetry Network (SNOTEL)
The SNOTEL data retrieval tools provides an interactive process to identify and retrieve data from individual SNOTEL sites. The user does not need to know the ID for the site...